Monday, 10th December 2018 |
Founded in 1995 |
WineBase v10.36 arrives December 2018 |
Just in time for Christmas, v10.36 is here at last.
New GoldBook data with quite a few new additions and some housekeeping for the program.
Change of email address, November 2018 |
After twenty plus years I've had to change a few email address's as they were so widely known the spam filters just couldn't keep up.
New address details on the Contacts page.
WineBase v10.36, the work continues, November 2018 |
I'm currently working on this years update with the new GoldBook data, which has seen a fairly substantial increase in the amout of data and will hopefully be finished soon.
Until then I'm currently holding all orders until the new version is available.
WineBase v10.35 is here, December 2017 |
Slightly later than usual but v10.35 is finally here.
New GoldBook data and a few improvements as usual.
WineBase v10.35 is on the way, November 2017 |
I'm currently working on this years update for the 35th edition of Australian Wine Vintages.
It should be finished in a few weeks and will of course be announced here.
Until it's ready to ship I'm holding all orders.
WineBase v10.34 arrives, November 2016 |
Yes that's v10.34 but why 10.34 you may well ask.
Just moving with the times as the 10 is for Windows 10 but WineBase continues to run just fine on Windows 8, 7, XP and it even runs on 98 (just doesn't look as nice).
v10.34 of course includes the new wine ratings data from the 34th edition of Australian Wine Vintages.
Click the Upgrade button to the right to order. Total cost just AUD$33 |
Current version
Please note though that whilst our upgrade policy is a lot more generous than some in this business we only keep customer data back several years.
If we can't find you in that database then it means that you're using a very very old version of WineBase and we'll more likely than not suggest that you no longer qualify for an upgrade and that you need to buy a new full version.
Or if you've been thinking of buying WineBase for a while now but have waiting for the new version to be released before ordering you can use the Order or Gift options...
Or if you would like to buy the program as a gift for someone else (we can send it to you or directly to them with a cover letter) then click on the Gift button below.
And if you're currently using a recent version of WineBase yourself we'll send you a free upgrade to v10.35 if you buy a copy of the program as a gift for a friend.
No need to supply additional information, we simply match your name and address against the customer database and if you're in there you qualify for a free update.
This years update nearly finished, November 2016 |
The good news is that this years update is nearly ready and will be shipping soon.
Stay tuned.
This years update delayed, October 2016 |
Due to the publishing date of Australian Wine Vintages 34th Edition being pushed back to early November this years update for WineBase has been delayed.
I'm currently holding all orders until the new version is ready, hopefully by the end of November.
Windows 10 Help File issues, March 2016 |
No popup Help windows in dialogs? Being sent to the Microsoft site when you try to access the Help in WineBase? No solution there?
Don't panic as I have a fix.
Click here to see how...
AVG false detection, December 2015 |
WineBase no longer running?
Icon gone?
Can't find the program?
Identified virus: Win32/Herz in c:\WineBase32\WineBase.exe
Using AVG?
Don't panic as it's just a false detection by AVG and nothing is gone.
WineBase has just been quarantined and here's a nice email from AVG explaining how to fix this problem.
Dear Customer,
The detection of this file by AVG is incorrect, and we can confirm that the file is not infected.
The detection will be removed from an upcoming AVG update.
Please make sure that your AVG is updated with the latest virus database:
1. Open AVG.
2. Click the button Update now, or Protection is up-to-date to check for updates.
3. Once a new virus update is downloaded, AVG will not detect the file any more.
In case the file was removed by AVG, it will be automatically restored after the update.
Alternativelly, you can restore the file manually, as described in the article
How to restore or remove file from the Virus Vault
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
David Machac
AVG Customer Care
Love the line from The Fifth Element and please note that if you're using the free version of AVG at this stage you'll probably have to use the above link or add an exception for winebase.exe
Step 1: Launch the AVG application, and then select "Advanced Settings" from the Options menu.
Step 2: Click "Exceptions" in the left pane of the Advanced Settings screen.
Step 3: Click the "Add Exception" button, and then select either "File," "Folder" or "URL" from the drop-down list in the Exception Type" field.
Step 4: Click the "Browse" button if you're adding an exception for a file or folder, navigate to the file or folder, and then click "Open."
Step 5:Click "OK" to add the entry to the exceptions list, and then click "OK" again to save the list. Click "Yes" if Windows asks permission to access the AVG configuration file.
Latest update v7.33 arrives, October 2015 |
The latest updated version of WineBase is now available and this includes the new GoldBook wine ratings from the just released 33rd edition of "Australian Wine Vintages" by Robert Geddes MW.
Like last year this years edition has seen yet another useful increase in the total number of wine ratings including some older ratings and a number of new wineries, 41 of them in fact.
The program itself has had some minor housekeeping done but still looks and functions as it always has.
Life is too short to have to keep learning constantly changing software.
There have been some improvements made though, including...
Extended BestAt for next 25 years search to go back 10 years rather than 3.
Increased BestAt tolerance range in Auto mode and weighted to the backend, ie. after the nominal BestAt year.
Wines in Danger - Red search button, range also now extends further back.
All these changes make it easier to find wines that are further beyond their nominal BestAt year than they really should be.
Fixed some glitches with the export/print to HTML in regards to totals.
Improved the internet search from the Add/Edit a wine dialog.
Join the other smiling Facebook faces with that Like Page button to the right >>>
If updating from versions prior to v7.0 then v7.33 is a complete new install and requires no previous versions of the program to be already installed nor does it require you to have any of the previous program disks.
It will therefore install from scratch on a new computer.
You will have to copy your old WineBase data into the new c:\winebase32 folder but this is a simple task, fully documented in the v7.33 Help files and on this web site here...
Migrating your existing data from a version of WineBase prior to v7.0
For everybody else updating from v7.0, v7.30, v7.31 or v7.32 then v7.33 will simply install into the same existing c:\winebase32 folder and will obviously keep and use your existing data files.
WineBase and Windows 10, September 2014 |
The good news is that WineBase runs just fine on Windows 10 so there is no bad news.
Windows 8.1 SmartScreen, April 2015 |
If you're running Windows 8.1 and have Windows SmartScreen activated you'll probably see this message when you try to run your downloaded decant.exe installation file.
If you click on OK then you won't get any further and decant.exe will not run so instead click on More info and this message will appear...
As there's no risk involved in running decant.exe click on Run anyway to install WineBase v7.32 as usual.
Latest update v7.32 arrives, October 2014 |
The latest updated version of WineBase is now available and this includes the new GoldBook wine ratings from the just released 32nd edition of "Australian Wine Vintages" by Robert Geddes MW.
The Gold Book in hardcover
The current edition of the Gold Book can be found in all good bookshops and wine retailers.
But if you'd prefer to order a signed copy of the book online and also take advantage of the free delivery in Australia then you can order via the Gold Book web site
New version on the way, September 2012
Work continues on the GoldBook update for this year and this should be finished soon.
In the meantime I'm holding all upgrade and new orders requests until I can send you the new version.
There will then no doubt be a bit of a back log of orders to clear.
WineBase v7.0 update files, May 2012
The lastest free update files for the program have been posted.
Click here for details
Breaking News - WineBase v7.0, March 2012
Yes folks I did say v7.0 and whilst it's taken a while and to be honest for a long time I didn't even think it was possible, WineBase has finally been dragged kicking and screaming into the present with a complete overhaul.
And more importantly than that WineBase is now a native 32 bit application which will run on 32 bit builds of Windows such as XP, Vista, Win 7 and also on 64 bit builds of Windows and that includes the 64 bit builds of Windows 7, Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate.
So no more messing around with virtual machines, VitualPC, VMWare, Dual Boot or putting up with that old PC in the corner that's still running Win 98 or XP.
The same GoldBook data as v5.4 is included in this version and there's a generous discount for existing v5.4 users (and just ignore what the upgrade form is saying regarding cost.
The trained monkey that processes the orders is fairly clever and will work out that a discount applies).
See also... v7.0 details
Help files and Windows 7 and 8, March 2012
Windows 7 doesn't ship with WinHlp32.exe which is the program needed to display .hlp files that WineBase uses (I still prefer the older format as it allows popups).
Easy to fix though, just download and install the required file which is available on the Microsoft site...
We're on Facebook, January 2012
I think that's a good thing. Well everybody is doing it but I'm not sure what to do next.
Anyway I thought I'd better register a "WineBase" page on Facebook before someone "squatted".
Windows 7 64bit, Dual Boot to XP?
It's been suggested to me that rather than messing around with VirtualPC or VMware and XP Mode on 64 bit versions of Windows 7 that an easier way is to simply dual boot your machine.
Here's a useful guide on How-to Geek that explains how simply it is to run both Windows 7 64bit and Windows XP 32bit on the same machine without having to run a virtual machine.
Dual Boot Your Pre-Installed Windows 7 Computer with XP
As you may well know especially if you've contacted me and I've directed you to this page WineBase won't run on the 64bit build of Windows 7 Home Premium as this product (Windows 7) is shipped.
There are options though and this is discussed further down this page in the WineBase and Windows 7 section to which you could probably add as a viable solution.
Use an Apple Mac because with Parallels (Virtualisation) or BootCamp installed you can run Windows on them and WineBase runs very well on them.
Details on running Windows on Apple Mac computers can be found here...
Mac Basics: Using Windows on your Mac via Boot Camp
Boot Camp: Installing Windows 7 Frequently Asked Questions
Parallels Desktop for Mac
The problem with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit is that it won't allow you to run XP Mode but luckily there's now a very easy way to run WineBase on Windows Home Premium 64 bit build.
All you need is legitimate copy of Windows XP, any version, which if you've owned a PC or Laptop previously you should still have the original XP installation CD.
If you haven't then you're going to have to obtain one.
Thanks to our friends at VMware and as explained in great detail complete with easy to follow pictures at How-To Geek in this article Create an XP Mode for Windows 7 Home Versions & Vista you can do just that and run WineBase on the Virtual Machine within Windows 7.
The VMware Player software is free but it is a 100+mb download and you do have to register.
You can download the VMware player here VMware Player
I've installed this software on a Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit machine, as well as Windows XP and WineBase v5.4 and it all works as advertised.
It takes about 20 minutes all up and the only thing I couldn't get to work was the additional Start button to launch XP applications like WineBase directly but it's just as easy to launch WMware Player and then launch WineBase via it's desktop icon.
Wrong WineBase desktop icon, November 2010
Some installations of Windows 7 are refusing to use our proper and quite attractive icon.
Attempts to correct this problem via the "change icon" option in shortcut properties to point to the icon in the executable WineBase.exe file fail and you end up with a generic one size fits all shortcut icon.
CLICKING HERE and choosing the Save option or if your browser displays the image click on it again and choose Save.
You should save the file into the c:\winebase folder (which is where your installation of WineBase should be and if it isn't then it really should be) and then via the Properties menu for the desktop icon (the wrong one) for WineBase use the browse option in the change icon dialog to point to this file (wb.ico).
WineBase.WK1 and Microsoft Office Excel, January 2010
And a reminder for people who are having problems in opening the exported winebase.wk1 files in Microsoft Office Excel.
Details on changing the registry policy settings that are probably blocking this type of file can be found here...
And for Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 3 users...
WineBase and Windows 7, November 2009
The latest update to Windows is called Windows 7 and there are three different versions available, these being...
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Home Premium
...and all three ship with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions in the box.
WineBase will run just fine on all 32-bit versions of Windows 7 but for the 64-bit versions you need to install the Windows Virtual PC software which is available FREE from Microsoft.
You can obtain more information about Windows Virtual PC and download it by clicking here.
However the 64-bit version of Windows 7 Home Premium cannot run Windows Virtual PC and therefore cannot run WineBase.
But as stated above the 32-bit version of it will so an option would be to install the 32-bit build of Windows 7 Home Premium.
For more information on the differences between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7 and at what point you start to gain an advantage in using the 64-bit version rather than the 32-bit version please click here.
WineBase and Windows 7 compatibility table |
Windows 7 Version |
32-bit Version |
64-bit Version |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
Yes |
Yes with VMware + XP |
Windows 7 Professional |
Yes |
Yes with Virtual PC |
Windows 7 Ultimate |
Yes |
Yes with Virtual PC |
Unanswered emails and, July 2008
Apart from spam and junk mail I answer all emails sent to me that require an answer, but some ISP's make it just about impossible to do so.
One such ISP is in the USA who rather than just blocking mail from a single email address that is sending spam appear to instead block the entire domain.
I can send mail from a number of Australian domains including my own which certainly doesn't send spam or act as an open relay, as well as from one of Australia's biggest phone companies/ISP's and will block them all.
So if you use and you would like me to reply to your email then you're going to have to send it to me from another email account.
Trying to get in contact with me, July 2007
With barely 5 weeks notice CompuServe Pacific have announced that they will no longer be operating as an ISP in Australia from midnight 31st August.
Not only that but they won't be offering any mail forwarding so my old address will stop working on that date.
Therefore if you haven't done so already, could you please update your address book entry for me to my email address.
Vista, GPF on closing, running on 64 bit etc., July 2007
If you close the program using the normal X button in the top right hand corner of the window it will cause an Application Error, in this case a GPF.
Apart from being a minor annoyance it doesn't cause any problems for WineBase or Vista but if you instead close the program via the File / Exit the Program menu you won't get this error.
Also for users of 64Bit Windows Vista Premium that may be having problems running WineBase, some good news.
You can get around this minor problem by installing some FREE emulation software, namely Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 available at...
and whilst some setting up and configuration is required, hey, it's free and it works.
For Vista users running Excel/MS Office and having problems with exported winebase.wk1 files being blocked by your registry policy settings, details on changing (if required) the registry settings can be found here...
Cellaring Guide, January 2002
Back in September last year Peter Svans of The Gurdies Winery in Gippsland sent me an excellent guide to wine cellaring that he'd written and offered it to all us WineBase users free of charge.
As this was right in the middle of the yearly upgrades and was followed in December by Graeme Philipson's very favorable article in the SMH and The Age which swamped us with new orders, it, well, sort of got lost for a while.
The guide is in PDF format and if you have a copy of Acrobat Reader you can read the guide by clicking here (Peter Svans Cellaring Guide, PROBLEMS.PDF 189k) and if you'd like to contact Peter for a FREE subscription to his monthly newsletter and also be sent a copy of the PDF file then send a blank email by clicking on the following email address and if "mailto" doesn't work on your browser simply send an email to this address.
Web Site Restructure, April 1998
I'm currently restructuring the site to provide more content, less clutter and to make it easier to navigate. This page has become a control centre for the non software areas of the site and on the left are a number of new menu choices that allow you to access all the links/maps/articles/regional contacts pages. These are being updated at the moment, new links added, old links checked etc.
Secure Server arrives, March 1998
I'm pleased to anounce that in collaboration with SiteLites we now have a secure server for the processing of all orders. The server itself is in the USA and unlike some "secure ordering" methods your order is not handled by any "third parties" nor is it sent to me via the normal (unsecure) internet mail system.
1996 Upgrade still underway, December 1996
I have sent all upgrade letters for Australia and New Zealand, and the Canadian ones leave today followed shortly after by the USA letters. Should be through Europe in the next week with the rest of the World to follow.
This has taken a bit longer than planned (there are a lot of letters to send) and whilst Christmas being only 3 weeks away might seem like a bit of a problem the Air Mail delivery times for letters and small packets doesn't seem to get affected that much.
1996 Upgrade underway, October 1996
Sorry for the delay and at long last I've started sending out the upgrade notices. I had planned to start sending them in September but a few things got in the way, so if you've been waiting for a letter to arrive and wondering if I'd forgotten about you then the answer is of course no, it's just that I've been a tad busy.
If you're in a hurry to get an upgrade I'm happy to take orders (and dispatch your disks within 24 hours) and if you're using v3.3 please read further down this page.
I have registered the domain name of which is the first stage of setting up a US site for WineBase. Currently shopping around for an US ISP and hope to have the site up and running by Christmas.
Web Page Update, March 1996
Changed the extensions on all but the main Index Pages in each directory from .html to .htm so if you've bookmarked a page and now can't find it this is the reason.
In case you haven't noticed I've "toned down" the pages a bit.
They looked fine on my PC, but on 256 and (shock horror) 16 colour systems they could look very strange indeed.
I'm now using "Netscape approved" background colours and these will display well on any 256 colour system.
The menus have been reduced to 16 colours which not only stops the mottling effect but cuts their size to 1/3 of what they were (so they'll load faster).
The "WineBase Web Club" regional pages are up and running and should soon even have some content.
If you're after some general wine reading and haven't visited the ASWE pages lately, there are now a number of articles in the "The Australian Wine Educator" section., January 1996
Decided to get serious with this Internet stuff and in December 1995 registered the Domain Name of "".
You're currently looking at the Web part of this at "" and I when I can work out how to do it, there will be a "".
1995 v3.1 Upgrade Offer, December 1995
One thing that has come to my attention is that due to the wording of the upgrade letter a number of people were under the impression that WineBase had become a Windows 95 application and that in order to use v3.1 they would need to be running Windows 95.
Whilst WineBase v3.1 runs fine on Windows 95 its still a Windows 3.1 application so if you didn't upgrade because you didn't think you could, well you can.
The response to the annual upgrade offer has been up to the standard of previous years and the last couple of months have been hectic to say the least. The majority of people are even filling out the questionaire that this year covers the topics of CD's, On-Line Networks and the "WineBase Club".
Already Have | Yes | No | | Buying One | Yes | No |
CD Drive | 58% | 42% | | | 61% | 39% |
Modem | 56% | 44% | | | 50% | 50% |
On-Line Service |
CompuServe | 14% |
Internet | 34% |
Own Web Page | 2% |
WineBase Club | Yes | No |
In favour of | 81% | 19% |
The "WineBase Club" has generated a fair bit of interest with a number of people making suggestions as to the form it could possibly take, and these include...
Use our "market clout" to obtain wine related products at a good price.
Regional get togethers of members for tastings, dinners etc.
Newsletter, Internet NewsGroup, Web Page.
Exchange of tasting notes.
Reviews of good value wines and pointers to bargains.
Lists of people willing to host/show around visitors.
On the subject of regional get togethers and people willing to show visitors around etc. a number of people have expressed interest in getting together with other WineBase users in their region/country.
As I don't disclose my customer database to anyone it makes it impossible to distribute a list of nearby WineBase's to any other WineBase's.
So I figure the best way to get this up and running is if interested persons would like to post their contact details (name and phone number/eMail address would be enough) and their region/country to me I'll update the list then others in the same area could contact you.
Get in touch with me if you're interested via email:
And we already have a few volunteers...
WineBase in a Box (The good news), November 1995
Our 2 year fling with the commercial software publishing world has finally come to an end.
Not that the program didn't sell or get some very nice reviews, its just that apart from the "warm fuzzy" we got seeing WineBase sitting on the shelves of major software retailers in its nice standard "Microsoft sized" box, we didn't get much else out of it, and "warm fuzzies" soon wear off when everyone else is making money out of your product except you.
So please be advised that Softword Publishing P/L, Softmail and TTI (Thompson Trading International) no longer have any connection with WineBase, rights to market or sell it and cannot provide support or upgrades.
WineBase in a Box (The not so good news)
If you bought a retail version of WineBase v3.3 and are waiting to be sent an upgrade notice, then you may be waiting for a very long time indeed.
As your registration cards went to my former publisher or their agents, and they have not passed any of this information onto me I have no way of contacting you.
So if you bought WineBase in a retail outlet and have your registration card (or a copy), or receipt, disks etc. and would like details on how to be upgraded to the latest version of WineBase then please get in touch with me via mailto:
Almost Vertical Software P/L
PO Box 221
Black Rock VIC 3193